From the Asphalt to the Forest: Cia. Livre’s research on the creation of an epic and perspectivist scenic language
Romano, Lúcia Regina Vieira
This article examines Cia. Livre’s scene, which questions the constitution of Brazilian identity, relating the individual in the urban context and Amerindian thought. Since the performance Vem Vai, o caminho dos mortos (2007), transit between the forest and the asphalt has been identified, instituted in the scenic translations of anthropophagy, according to Andrade (1928), Campos (1992), and Nunes (1979), and Amazonian cosmology, based on theories of perspectivism, especially Descola (1992), Carneiro da Cunha (1998), Kopenawa and Albert (2015), and Viveiros de Castro (1996; 2002; 2015). It concludes by highlighting the company’s decolonial strategy in the use of anthropology in order to imagine other humanities.