Performing the Theatricality in the Game of Framings: rethinking the weaving of the dramatic
Effectuer la Theatralite dans un Jeu de Cadrage: repenser la performativite dans la tessiture dramatique;
Performing the Theatricality in the Game of Framings: rethinking the weaving of the dramatic
Arruda (Universidade Vila Velha ‒ UVV, Vila Velha/ES, Brazil), Rejane
Through the analysis of contemporary propositions and postulating the game of framings as the principle of scene poetics building, this article analyzes the notions of theatricality and performativity as co-existing functions. Displaced from the field of theater criticism to the performance, theatricality and performativity appear as operational notions of an analysis of the actorly praxis, providing the basis for a review of theory and the place of the dramatics as an alleged practice of signification, allowing its presentation as a framing mode among others. A travers a l’analyse des propositions contemporaines et postulant le jeu de cadrage comme un principe de la poetique de la scene, et article contextualise les notions de theatralite et de performativite tandis que fonctions qui coexistent. Deplace du champ de la critique theatrale pour la performance, theatralite et performativite apparaissent tandis concepts operationnels de une analyse de la praxis des actors, purge comme base a une revision de la theorie et le lieu de dramatique tandis que un exercice de signification, permettant presenter cette en tant que mode de cadrage entre autres. Through the analysis of contemporary propositions and postulating the game of framings as the principle of scene poetics building, this article analyzes the notions of theatricality and performativity as co-existing functions. Displaced from the field of theater criticism to the performance, theatricality and performativity appear as operational notions of an analysis of the actorly praxis, providing the basis for a review of theory and the place of the dramatics as an alleged practice of signification, allowing its presentation as a framing mode among others.