The Dramaturgy of the Body in the Indian Theater as a Visible Poetry
La Dramaturgie du Corps dans le Theatre Indienne come Visible Poesie;
The Dramaturgy of the Body in the Indian Theatre as a Visible Poetry
Gomes (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto ‒ UFOP, Ouro Preto/MG, Brazil), Ricardo Carlos
Duarte (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ‒ UFMG, Belo Horizonte/MG, Brazil), Priscilla de Queiroz
The Dramaturgy of the Body in the Indian Theatre as a Visible Poetry ‒ This article intends to analyze the concept of dṛśya kāvya (visible poetry) from the Indian scenic tradition, as a proposal to a dramaturgy of the body. Starting from the impact that the Asian scenic tradition caused in the European theater in the twentieth century, we will examine some concepts and acting techniques from the Indian classical dance-theater (specially Orissi and Kathakali), which are based in the translation of word into physical gesture. We also question the relevance of this discussion to a theater seeking to distance itself from a logocentric model, in an intercultural perspective.Keywords: Actor’s Craft. Interculturalism. Indian Classical Dance-Theatre. Kathakali. Orissi. Cet article vise a analyser le concept de dṛśya kāvya (la poesie visible), de la tradition theatrale indienne, entant que une proposition de dramaturgie du corps. A partir de l'impact que le traditions du spectacle asiatiques ont provoque sur le theatre europeen au cours du XX siecle, nous allons examiner certains concepts et techniques de jeu de la theatre-danse classique indienne (plus precisement, Orissi et Kathakali), base sur la traduction poetique du mot dans le geste corporel. Nous allons se questionner sur la pertinence de cette discussion pour un theatre qui cherche a se demarquer d'un modele logocentrique, dans une perspective interculturelle. This article intends to analyze the concept of dṛśya kāvya (visible poetry) from the Indian scenic tradition, as a proposal to a dramaturgy of the body. Starting from the impact that the Asian scenic tradition caused in the European theater in the 20th century, we will examine some concepts and acting techniques from the Indian classical dance-theater (specially Orissi and Kathakali), which are based in the translation of the word into physical gesture. We also question the relevance of this discussion to a theater seeking to distance itself from a logocentric model, in an intercultural perspective.