Computer simulations for the teaching of photoelectric effect
Aurora Favero Reis, Mari
Geller, Marlise
Serrano, Agostinho
The photoelectric effect in the production and transformation of light is animportant phenomenon in quantum physics. The theory was initially presented by Albert Einstein and allows us to explain several technological applications in engineering. The use of computer simulations in the process, as they have already been proven to yield in science teaching, can provide excellent conceptual learning results, and that includes the teaching of the photoelectric effect. Ten simulations available on the internet were classified by criteria established based on bibliographic research developed within the framework of the historicity, concept, and context triad, and then four were selected and used in a classroom with engineering undergraduate sophomores. The Predict-Observe-Explain (P.O.E.) methodology was used to guide students in carrying out the experiments. The results of the analysis of the simulations and the elaboration of a laboratory instruction guide and experimental intervention, with the methodology, demonstrated the effectiveness of using computer simulations for the learning of scientific concepts in the context of engineering education.