Experiencing Pedagogical Practices with Digital Resources in The Teacher Training of English Teachers
Musskopf, Ângela
Nice Ferrari Barbosa, Débora
B. Scherer Bassani, Patrícia
This research deals with the inclusion of digital educational resources in an English teacher-training course and the possible benefit from the use of this in the improvement of the students’ proficiency level. For that, the researchers understood that it was necessary to study theories of second language learning and look for common principles between such theories and information and communication technologies (ICT). The use of the cartographic method to develop the research resulted in three categories of analyses: (a) the relation between SLL theories and ICT; (b) the relation between the students and ICT; and (c) the students’ proficiency level in English. The research generates products which can be used in the processes of teaching and learning in Basic Education, such as papers and a presentation.