Multidimensional model of successful aging and nursing terminologies: similarities for use in the clinical practice
de Fátima Lucena, Amália
Argenta, Carla
de Freitas Luzia, Melissa
de Abreu Almeida, Miriam
Nabinger Menna Barreto, Luciana
Swanson, Elizabeth
Aim: To compare the domains of the Multidimensional Model of Successful Aging (MMSA)with the nursing terminologies, such as, NANDA International (NANDA-I), NursingInterventions Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), in order tofind similarities among them.Method: Cross-mapping between MMSA and nursing terminologies in two stages: individualanalysis and comparison between the MMSA and the nursing terminologies, based on themapping process rules; consensus among researchers to validate the results.Results: All NOC and NIC domains were mapped with similarity in the MMSA domains, and12 of the 13 NANDA-I domains showed similarity to the MMSA domains. In addition,similarity was identified between MMSA and most classes of the three classifications.Conclusions: The similarity between MMSA, NANDA-I, NIC and NOC supported the ideathat the MMSA framework can be used in the nursing process to qualify the nursing practicein the elderly care.Keywords: Aging. Nursing process. Standardized nursing terminology.