dc.contributorFlávia Maria Galizoni
dc.contributorAna Paula Glinfiskoi Thé
dc.contributorHeloísa Soares de Moura Costa
dc.contributorJuliana Sena Calixto
dc.creatorSimone Rebouças Martins
dc.description.abstractAFLUENCE OF KNOWLEDGE Ethnoconference of rural migrants as an Environmental Education strategy. There was a massive process of land expropriation, from the 1960s onwards, at northern region of Minas Gerais and this consolidated the so-called green revolution and the creation of extensive livestock. Saluzinho, a farmer from Varzelândia, became a symbol of resistance because he fought against farmers who wanted to take their land. He was tortured, imprisoned and, unfortunately, died without having his rights recognized. The case of Saluzinho is fundamental in this study, since it brings together several elements addressed in this dissertation. As a result of land ownership processes, thousands of farmers migrated to urban centers searching for better living conditions. The urban population of the municipality of Montes Claros, for example, increased fivefold in relation to the number of inhabitants in the 1960s. Some of these rural migrants, with a vast traditional knowledge, became "peasant teachers" at “Centro de Referência da Cultura Material da Agricultura Familiar (Sítio de Saluzinho”) and once or twice a week, they give workshops about rural and urban areas, natural resources and culture. In order to understand the relationships between traditional knowledge in urban areas, the central scope of this dissertation was to analyze how circling ethno-knowledge of nine urban (migrant) farmers located in the “Sítio de Saluzinho”. Data from this research were collected from April 2017 to May 2018, using the following research methods: life histories; semi-structured questionnaires; participant observation and urban backyard mappings were later tabulated and analyzed qualitatively. The results indicated that these farmers, from a repertoire of rural knowledge, create and recreate the knowledge about nature in the urban area, so that they transform their backyards into living laboratories, reproduce replicas of rural mini-systems, experiment techniques, seedlings, soils, and the most varied types of management with the plantation. Urban backyards, besides serving as a place of coexistence, symbolic or material exchanges, also contribute to the security food and nutritional of families. The experience offered by the “Sítio de Saluzinho” to students, many with little or no knowledge of the “rural world”, constitutes an important element of understanding and articulation between natural and social environment. It is believed that the ethno-knowledge of these farmers brings together a series of characteristics that allow us to consider it as an instrument, strategic for human-social education.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sociedade, Ambiente e Território
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAgricultura urbana
dc.subjectEducação ambiental
dc.subjectSítio de Saluzinho
dc.titleAfluência do saber- etnoconhecimento de migrantes rurais como estratégia para a educação ambiental.

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