Monografias de Especialização
Iniciação esportiva: uma revisão sobre o treinamento esportivo e a periodização com crianças
Enio Moreira da Silva
Each time more the children are in evidence in the competitive sport. To be athlete of high level becomes a common objective among a lot of them. However, for it can happen, it is necessary that to have a well elaborated project in long stated period. Thus, the sportive initiation for the children must integrally be planned and it must not exist familiar pressure in the search of sportive success, as well as, it must not exist personal interest of trainers and clubs. Some studies demonstrate that, although a great number of children to initiate in the sport, only one small parcel will arrive at the final phase, the professionalism. Perhaps one of the reasons is the fact of few one congregates the conditions necessary to reach the cited objective. Therefore many children give up and others do not keep the necessary income, that it finishes for moving away them from the practical sportive and hinders them to usufruct of the benefits that the sport provides. From the differences among the children, the directed sportive training must be planned and controlled, with respect to the sensible stages of development. It must be remembered that the child is not a miniature of the adult. Through a literature revision, the present article has as objective to dissert regarding the system of sportive training and the adopted processes of organization in the periodization with children, in intention to apply them of professional form in the work environment.