Dissertação de Mestrado
Verificação de rompimentos em instalações prediais de água quente: um estudo de caso
Raquel Cristina Teixeira de Oliveira
A problem that usually is found on hydraulic installations is related to maintenance of pipes and connections. Normally, this systems present ruptures events, which can increase over the years. Those events may turn into various pathologies, till structural problems of buildings. Generally they are linked to leakage, but they can also be caused by thermal expansion. Experience demonstrates that many building installations present ruptures problems on their water networks and that those occurrences are recurrent, becoming an uncomfortable thing between the constructor, the installers, manufacturers and final consumer. To reduce the efforts due to thermal expansion is very usual to adopt a lire kind arrangement. This paper gives a case of a building installation, which the efforts were calculated by the manufactures equations and by literature equations. The results were compared with each other and the calculations validity checked. On the end were proposed a set of recommendations to help designers on the systems topology choice, and also the alternatives used to set the ties. This research presents on a case study of a building installation adopting PPR material, widely used today, which showed ruptures, and in an extension research, efforts parameters pressure and temperature were monitored and calculated according to the equations provided by the manufacturer. The present study aimed to complement such an extent research efforts and calculating second parameters found in the literature. The results were compared and it was verified the validity of the calculations. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between temperature parameters and water pressure with the occurrence of failures in building installations, with emphasis on hot water systems. To achieve the calculations according to the literature, were calculated the Moment of Inertia, Elastic Resistance Modulus, Elastic Modulus, Maximum Deflection on the beam, Maximum Flexion Momentum, Maximum Compression Stress and Maximum Traction Stress. The results were compared with calculations based on data provided by the manufacturer and results showed that the higher the temperature, the greater effort on the pipe; that efforts calculated on the manufacturer's data differ with respect to the calculated tested data; that the distances between the supports are inversely proportional to the forces / moments / tensions which connections are submitted. At the end are made up a set of recommendations to aid designers in the choice of system topology and alternatives used for fixing and anchoring points of support.