Crisálidas: interlocuções entre Roupa de Artista, Feminismo e Computação Vestível
Dyana dos Santos
The subjects of this dissertation were chosen as a theoretical unfolding of previous artistic researches and of my own production in painting and sculpture, developed between 2009 and 2017, during my undergraduate studies at Escola de Belas Artes, UFMG. Sectioned in two main parts, the present paper proposes, respectively, a feminist analysis on artist’s clothes and wearable computing in art. Both themes were conceptualized, contextualized historically and exemplified through a collection of works that contemplate from their origins in Western historical records until manifestations dating from 2018. Recognizing quantitative and formal performance differences between men and women artists in the aforementioned areas of knowledge, decisive sociocultural structures to both the artistic practices and the reception of the works presented were investigated and analyzed.