Monografia (especialização)
Análise de manifestações patológicas em estruturas de concreto armado: corrosão das armaduras
Letícia Maria de Oliveira Nascimento
The present work aims to study causes, deterioration processes and structural solutions for reinforcement structures damaged by reinforcement corrosion. With the rapid development of civil construction, the improvement of construction and calculation method, there was a significant increase in damage caused by the deterioration of reinforced concrete structures from the second half of the 20th century, thus increasing expenses with repairs. In this sense, it is essential to study the systematics of pathological structures. For that, a bibliographic research was carried out, contemplating the main agents that cause depassivation of reinforcements, the main methods to improve the levels of progress in the process of deterioration of the structures, the data for their recovery, and also a comparison between recovery techniques and reinforcement of structures. It was identified that regardless of the cause of the pathological manifestation, it is the importance of the sum that all its components, origins, causes and consequences are, so that, through a diagnosis and prognosis, the best repair or reinforcement technique is chosen, based on several criteria, the main one being a technical-economic viability.