Monografia (especialização)
Associação entre alterações de alinhamento do tornozelo/pé e a presença de lesões no joelho
Daniele Favatto Ferreira de Oliveira
Changes in anatomical alignment of the ankle-foot complex, such asthe presence of varus or valgus forefoot and varus or valgus rearfoot are relatedin the current literature with the appearance of other lesions in lower limbs. Theknee is the most injured joints of the human body, making it necessary tounderstand the possible biomechanical factors of overload in this joint. The aimof this study was to conduct a review of the literature to investigate the influenceof foot-ankle misalignment on knee injuries. A systematic search in the databasesWeb of Science, Pubmed, Scielo, Bireme, PortalCapes and asearch in the physical collection of the library of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and in the references of articles studied, from August to October 2018. Of the total of sevenarticles, two found association between varus forefoot andmedial patellofemoral cartilage and abnormalities in the patellar tendon, threeassociated varus retropé to patellofemoral pain syndrome and two studies investigated varus and varus forefoot correlating these to patellar tendinosis and syndrome of patellofemoral pain. It was concluded that misalignments of the ankle-foot complex seem to be related to knee injuries, and the forefoot is excessively varus with greater association with these lesions, according to the literature.