dc.contributorLeandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz
dc.contributorAdriane Teresinha Sartori
dc.contributorDeise Prina Dutra
dc.creatorElizete Raimunda Pereira
dc.description.abstractAs the main literacy agency (KLEIMAN, 1995) of our society, schools have specific genres, which, despite their relevance, are rarely target of pedagogical work. Among these genres, there is the school summary, which can be an important tool for the student knowledge acquisition of different disciplines. In this research, propose an educational project whose main objective is to contribute to the development of different reading and writing skills, from retextualization (Marcuschi, 2001; Dell'isola, 2007) of didactic domain texts to summaries. This project, of an interdisciplinary nature, was carried out with students in the 9th grade of an elementary public school in the city of Carandaí (MG). First, students answered a questionnaire on reading and writing practices and produced a workshops were planned and implemented, which sought to carry out a systematic work with text reading strategies. The project final product was a school summary of a chapter of the same History book. The summary was typed, printed and delivered to students of another 9th grade class, who were not involved in the project. My analysis indicates that the activities have contributed to the development of different reading and writing skills provided in the Common Basic Curriculum (CBC) of Portuguese Language, which is the reference for teaching at the school in question, showing how students can go beyond information decoding of History texts.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectResumo Escolar
dc.subjectEstratégias de Leitura
dc.titleEstratégias de leitura de textos de história em aulas de língua portuguesa: uma experiência com o gênero resumo escolar no ensino fundamental
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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