dc.contributorLuciana Souza D'ávila
dc.contributorJoao Paulo Aché de Freitas Filho
dc.creatorLilia Souza Maciel
dc.description.abstractThis work aims to propose the systematization of health care for the elderly in a team of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Diamantina/MG. Worldwide, the proportion of elderly is growing at a higher level than any other age group, requiring specific policies and programs. These programs allow the people to have an active ageing, preventing disabilities and chronic diseases that generate individual and health system spending. The action plan was elaborated by the author, upon realizing various problems regarding the attention to the elder in health team work in the course of the module health of the elder. The difficulties began in the unsuitability of the physical structure of the unit, with consultation rooms on the second floor, stairs without handrails, insufficient space for group activities and schedule based on nonspecific procedures and unprepared staff for the welcoming of the elders, caregivers and relatives who seek to get their problems solved. From the problems raised, it was possible to design the guiding operations for reaching the results and expected products and the necessary resources to implement the operational plan. The theoretical process of building the plan was based on literature recommendations and, specially, in the Guideline of Health Care for Elderly of the Health Secretariat. The assistance to the health of the elders and relatives should be focused on independence maintenance and active ageing, and be one of the main focus of operation to the primary health care. From the optimizing the assistance, will be easier to achieve control of non-transmittable chronic diseases and risk factors for health problems, enabling strategic actions for preventing disease and promoting an active and healthy life.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectPrograma saúde da família
dc.subjectSaúde do idoso
dc.titleSaúde do idoso: sistematização da assistência na Equipe de Saúde da Família "Viver Melhor", Diamantina/MG
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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