Transmídia e Webdiscurso: práticas enunciativo-discursivas em storytellings publicitários na web.
Vivian Pinto Riolo
This research discusses the enunciative-discursive practices present in the advertising discourse from the storytelling genre in its transmedia configuration. With exploratory and interpretative objectives, we seek to analyze brazilian advertisements that are formulated with the aim of leading the potential audience to interact in the digital sphere and, therefore, that are destined to configure the complex discursive logic of the internet. In this sense, we verify how a native utterance of the digital environment is conceived, for which we propose the notion of webdiscursivity in its technodiscursive configuration, that is, it is formed by the overlap and the dialogic correlation of other utterances in its constitution. In this discursive logic, interaction is mobilized by several factors and, in view of this, we demonstrate how the affective aspect is discursively summoned to guide the participation of the social audience. In view of this, we highlight how trust has emerged in current advertisements, in which women's life narratives are used as a gateway to the discussion of ideologies rooted in our society. The philosophy of the Bakhtin Circle and the dialogical and dialectical theoretical-methodological contribution inherited from its contributions serve as analysis tools to shed light on discussions about discourse genres, dialogism, alterity, emotional-volitional tone, empathy, exotopy, chronotope and verbivocovisuality. In dialogue with bakhtinian thought, the contributions of discursive semiotics, with regard to enunciative practices and discursive complexity on the internet, allow us to list how the actors of the transmedia project discourse are valued and outlined in the construction of simulacra that permeate the social imaginary. In this way, the construction of the enunciation, crossed by verbivocovisuality, as well as the aspectualization, resulting from this process, foster the proposed discussions about affectivity in discourse. Considering the transmedia perspective, our analyses are based on advertisements that are broadcast in a reference media and that are introjected into the Facebook social network site, adding the word of the other in its constitution in the different modalities of interaction (comments, shares, likes and posts). In this sense, we work with the clipping of texts that are established in act, that is, in the continuum of interactions in the network, based on the primary utterance (advertising video) and the derived utterances that the social network platform validates. The analysis of the corpus allows us to demonstrate the different ways in which the narrated affects enhance interaction and lead the social audience to actively act in their social networks, sometimes positively valuing the advertising proposal and the narrated stories, sometimes problematizing the ideological approach in the conduct of campaigns, noting the relationship between the notion of transmedia and webdiscourse. Although the interactions attribute value of an appreciative or derogatory character to the brand, they fulfill the purpose of the project to say transmedia, reverberating the capitalist discourse impregnated in the exposed life narratives.