dc.contributorFabiano Botelho Siqueira
dc.creatorVictor Menossi Rodrigues
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Football is a contact sport that is played on a field similarto football, with eleven players on each side like football is a sport that grew out of a rugby variation and that requires its practitioners: speed, agility , tactical ability and brute force as players jostle, block and chase each other, trying to advance a ball into a territory. The physiological demands of football game are complex, always demanding the maximum of the physical abilities of your players in a row. Considering the differences in skills and abilities, soil conditions, refereeing standards and attitudes of aggression and violence, injury rates may be higher in amateur football players. Objective: the objective of this study is to report injuries that affect football players. Development: Ankle ligament injuries are the most common injuries that occur, regardless of thesport or type of exposure, Concussions and ACL injuries were other high-profile injuries that occurred less frequently, but often carry most significant health consequences. Conclusions: Injuries are common in contact sports such as football, however the vast majority of them do not generate any risk to physical suade athlete unless long-term when excesses of blows to the head can lead to greater central nervous system problems. Knee injuries and ankle are more common in athletes, however the number of surgeries is considered low for the type of sport.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEsportes de contato
dc.subjectFutebol Americano
dc.titleIncidência das lesões no futebol americano: uma revisão narrativa
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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