dc.contributorAngelo de Moura Guimaraes
dc.creatorSimone Moreira Cunha
dc.description.abstractDuring this work, we discuss Software Engineering, focusing in Software Test area. Software test deals with the software investigation, providing information about their quality in relation to the context in which it must operate. The main goal of the research is to investigate the Test Phase, showing its concepts, workflow, activities, artifacts and guidelines. Furthermore, it aims to meet important standards such as PMI, QAI and IEEE 829, to ensure the quality of documentation inthe development phase of testing. Thus, this paper presents the testing strategy, focusing on the process V & V (Verification and Validation), the Software Testing Techniques, covering projects of test casesand test patterns. We applied and studied Test phases (strategies and testing techniques) in the evaluation of a real project. Despite some restrictions by the development sector working with the proposeddocumentation stage, we conclude that with the adoption of strategies and techniques, we can get quality of software applications running with fewest possible errors, better operation of software maintenance and control over development within lower cost, schedule and quality levels desired.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEstratégias de Teste
dc.subjectTécnicas de Teste
dc.titleEngenharia de Software: uma abordagem à fase de testes
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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