dc.contributorRoberto Assis Ferreira
dc.contributorMarcus André Vieira
dc.contributorIlka Franco Ferrari
dc.contributorJesus Santiago
dc.contributorIvani Novato Silva
dc.creatorBeatriz Espirito Santo Nery Ferreira
dc.description.abstractThe place of the physician, as speech, has suffered transformations since the creation of medicine by Hippocrates. An important step was given in the passage of Middle Age to Renaissance, when the naturalistic concept of men gave its place, on medicine, to the concept of the biological body. The doctor, the diseased and the disease, triad notdissociated on ancient medicine, broke apart and became different bodies. The evolution by which the human though went through in the modern and post modern eras executed a profound influence on medicine. The medicine was practiced, at Hippocrates time, inside an ambivalence between the theoretical knowledge and art, but it was, progressively, immerging into science. The present study, a theoretical assay, develops the consequence of these modifications on the place of that triad, through the clinical impasses brought by new contemporaryways of how to develop the diseased, like anorexia and bulimia. The history of medicine is investigated to try to identify the marks for the modifications on that triad, basing on the relationship between physicians and science. The scientific medicine of post modern era excludes the subjectivity of the diseased and the physician. One of the reactions of the diseased is in ways to get ill that tests the doctors. These ones, by their own means, react stupefied, grasping even more to thetechnique, even if it costs the loss of the subjectivity. The anguish shows itself in a sharper way to the doctor and each one reacts as they can.The danger of immersion of men into science and technique is the lost of his own essence as a free man, but, by questioning their own place facing modern medicine the physician can choose between continuing their progress, having science just as an ally, or continue immersed in it. Whatever the choice, he will always be responsible for it. The psychoanalysis is present in this study as a way found for the possibility of medicine turning another direction, without leaving science or returning to the ancient practices, in a way which subjectivity can emerge once again. It is suggested the dialogue between physician and psychoanalysts, it is hard, but not impossible, as a way of applying an anguish that manifests in the way of getting ill of the diseased, as in thereaction of the physicians. They are modern ways that, indisputably, shows that men have lost the essence as a free man.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTranstornos da Alimentação
dc.subjectPapel do Médico
dc.titleO lugar do médico e seus impasses a partir da clínica contemporâneada anorexia e bulimia
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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