dc.contributorValéria Tassara
dc.contributorMaria Rizoneide Negreiros de Araujo
dc.creatorTeresa Regina Mendonça Gomes
dc.description.abstractAfter diagnosis of basic health Unit situational Maria Angélica de Castro several problems were detected, was chosen as a priority the control of hypertensive, where cardiovascular risk was increased. Second guideline of hypertension and diabetes 25% of hypertensive patients are high-risk. On UBS Maria Angélica de Castro the rate was 40%, mainly due to Dyslipidemia, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. The "we" were critical: style and habits of life, teamwork process, level of information and lack of interest by the monitoring of treatment. Behaviors and unhealthy lifestyles contribute to cardiovascular mortality, stroke (CVA), respiratory diseases, accidents, and diabetes. The objective this study was to develop a contingency plan for seeking strategies to decrease cardiovascular risk factors of hypertensive spanning area residents basic health unit Maria Angélica de Castro. Bibliographical research was performed in the Virtual Health Library in order to lift what is already published on the topic proposed. It is concluded that make behavior change and develop self-care is necessary a large personal investment of the patient for this to occur and that the team must able to work with motivational techniques and understand the results are long-term.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDoenças Crônicas
dc.subjectEstilo de Vida
dc.titleReorganização do atendimento aos hipertensos da Unidade Básica de Saúde Maria Angélica de Castro: mudança comportamental, como apoiar?
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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