dc.contributorAlexandre Sampaio Moura
dc.creatorMarilia Borges Gontijo Pinheiro
dc.description.abstractHypertension is a major chronic disease among the elderly and its prevalence increases with age. Despite this high prevalence and its serious health consequences, non-adherence to pharmacologic treatment is still an important issue. Many elderly hypertensive patients did not know they have the disease and among those with the diagnosis, many abandon treatment. This review of literature aims to show the difficulties encountered by the elderly in the treatment of hypertension, factors that influence adherence therapy and can lead to complications if the prescribed treatment is not properly followed. The study was based on a narrative review of relevant books and articles in the scientific literature on hypertension diagnosis and data obtained from site PSF Ilicínea - MG. These data show that of 197 elderly hypertensive patients, 95 have difficulty maintaining the proper treatment. The main difficulties for a good adherence to antihypertensive drug therapy point to an awareness of the team of health professionals in primary care. This, qualified and attentive to the difficulties the elderly patient properly assist in controlling this disease, showing the need for adopting a healthier lifestyle, attending visits, regular use of drugs and self-care of elderly patients.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAtenção primária à saúde
dc.subjectAdesão ao medicamento
dc.titleDifilcudade de adesão do idoso ao tratamento farmacológico para hipertensão arterial
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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