dc.description.abstract | This study aimed to know the profile of the school of professional education technical nursing Father Curvelo, influenced students of Especalizaçaõ in Pedagogical Training in Professional Education in Health: Nursing (CEFPEPE). We present the results of a practical, descriptive quantitative approach, on the profile of technical school students in nursing Father Curvelo Curvelo city of Minas Gerais. Data collection was performed with the students was through a previously prepared questionnaire comprising open and closed questions, applied during visits to the school. Answered the questionnaire all students enrolled, present for the application and signed the consent form. 36 questionnaires were returned from a group of 52 students, covering various social, economic and cultural. The survey results showed that the profile of technical school students nursing Father Curvelo is predominantly female (88%), most (87%) are Catholic; and marital status 91% consists of singles, the population showed a high proportion of aged 20 to 25 years (65%), 28.8% of students reported having at least one child, as to residence, 50% live in their own home, among the features in the residence, TV will be highlighted with 79%, 67.5% attended regular primary level, 85% did not have any prior training, family income, 84% said to have between two or more minimum wages, in the range of knowledge to their professional practice 79 % considered how well the use of supervised internships, 85% said usable, 39% of the students placed the physical fatigue as the main difficulty in performing or completing the course, as to the fields of technical performance of nursing students had more affinity 27% answered that the basic health units, 51% of students said they have more work experience in other services now than in the past, about the expectations at the end of nursing technical course 57% responded that is get a good job. | |