Monografias de Especialização
A supervisão do enfermeiro no trabalho do agente comunitário de saúde: uma revisão bibliográfica
Maria Angelica de Oliveira Costa
The Family Health Program has added to the working process of the nurse to the supervision of community health agents, both members of the family health team as well as other professionals. This study aimed to investigate how the scientific production has dealt with the supervision of the nurse with relation to the work of community health agents. It was used in the literature review narrative as a method. There are several weaknesses in the supervision of the CHA work by the professionals of the team, in particular of the nurses, highlighting as causes the overload of tasks to the nurse, the deficiency in both education of the CHA as nurses and administrators and the predominance of educational approach on the biomedical model. The studies highlighted as recommendations to improve the supervision: the planning of activities for the team and the nurse, the reference of a nurse in municipal coordination of health care, a multidisciplinary in continuing education of community health agents and the recasting of the schools in line with a transforming education.