Tese de Doutorado
Sociabilidade Parlamentar em cena: atores políticos, cotidiano e imprensa na cidade do Rio de Janeiro (1902-1930)
Natascha Stefania Carvalho Ostos
This thesis proposes to investigate the impact and repercussions of what we call parliamentary sociability in magazines O Malho, Careta and Fon-Fon; sociability that was experienced in this life of the city of Rio de Janeiro, the early twentieth century until the year 1930. The daily movement of parliamentarians, in their multiple situations of coexistence (in meetings, at parties, informal meetings in cafes, etc.), generated strong interest from these magazines. The illustrated magazines are privileged to study the day-to-day politics, because of the diversity of their content and they do not settle to a rigid thematic line. O Malho, Careta and Fon-Fon, even considering their differences, tended to discuss political issues through exposure sociability of parliamentarians - and other politicians - building on its pages a kind of social chronicle the political, through humor, and dedicated to exposing and commenting the details of parliamentary meetings, the dynamics of the functioning of Parliament, the political and personal connections of deputies and senators, the type of relationship between the Executive and the National Legislature, the rumors circulating backstage, etc. The hypothesis that guides this work is that the observation of the habits, behavior and daily practices of parliamentarians led to the construction, in the pages of these magazines, the perceptions and opinions about the meaning of politics and the role of professional politicians in Brazilian society.