dc.contributorFernando de Oliveira Costa
dc.contributorAngela Maria Quintao Lana
dc.contributorCassiano Kuchenbecker Rosing
dc.creatorFernanda Mafra Siqueira
dc.description.abstractBackground: It has been suggested that periodontitis is associated with systemic alterations such as adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, some conflicting results have been reported. This case-control study was conducted to determine the association between maternal periodontitis and preterm birth (PTB), low birth weight (LBW), and intrauterine growth restriction (IGR). Methods: 1,305 Brazilian women, from multiethnic groups, were enrolled and divided into: a) control group 1,042 women who gave birth to infants with adequate gestational age and birth weight; b) PTB group 238 women, gestational age <37 complete weeks; c) LBW group 235 women, birth weight <2,500g); d) IGR group 77 women who gave birth to infants with fetal growth retardation. Periodontitis was defined as the presence of 4 or more teeth with one or more sites at a probing depth of 4mm and a clinical attachment loss of 3mm. The effect of variables of interest, confounders, and interaction were tested trough univariate and multivariate logistic regression tests. Results: After adjusting for variables of interest, maternal periodontitis was retained in the final model for: PTB (OR=1.77, p<0.001), LBW (OR=1.67, p<0.001), and IGR (OR=2.06, p<0.001). When the interaction between periodontitis and previous preterm birth were tested, an odds ratio of 5.94 (p<0.001), 9.12 (p<0.001), and 18.90 (p<0.001) for PTB, LBW, and IGR, respectively, were observed. Conclusions: Maternal periodontitis was determined to be associated with an incresead risk for PTB, LBW, and IGR. Results emphasize the importance of periodontal care on prenatal health programs.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectdoença periodontal / efeitos adversos
dc.subjectintercorrências gestacionais
dc.subjectcrescimento intra-uterino restrito
dc.subjectfatores de risco
dc.subjectbaixo peso ao nascer
dc.titleEstudo caso-controle da associação entre periodontite materna e intercorrências gestacionais: parto pré-termo, baixo peso ao nascer, cresimento intra-uterino restrito e pré-eclâmpsia
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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