Monografias de Especialização
Histórias em quadrinhos: narrativas visuais e sua utilização no ensino
Eliete Millen Rodrigues
This paper brings reflections of approaches of Comics as Artistic Expression as their use in different subjects in teaching. Comics books used in teaching can proximity to the students to different languages and expression of Visual Arts. The monograph has an objective to present aspects of trajectory Comics and bring an experience in the classroom with the use of Sequential Art in Education. This way intending to bring awakening, interest, appreciation to promote students knowledge about Sequential Art. Other than researching with a 25 (twenty five) teachers that belongs a public school from Governador Valadares. Comics books were produced in a workshop held with a group of students from eight and ninth yeas of Abílio Patto School. The proposed workshop is efuse students with this kind of Art and create characters, comics strips, book comics presenting texts and visual references and also varied narratives. The action proposed to develop with students three principles: enjoy art, discuss and contextualize art.