Monografia (especialização)
Verificação do dimensionamento de uma torre treliçada autoportante de uma linha de transmissão existente
Warley Abreu e Silva Lopes
This study presents the checking of the design of a latticed steel transmission tower of an line power transmission, based on current standards. For this, an existing structure was adopted. The actions were quoted and calculated for this study, being that the wind is the most important action for this type of structure. The purpose of this study is to present the routine to design of this type of structure and to check if the structure meets the requirements of current design standards. The actions and their combinations were determined according to the recommendations of the Brazilian standards ABNT NBR 6123: 1988 and ABNT NBR 5422: 1985, and Labegaline et. al. (1992). For the design of the transmission tower structure, the American standard ASCE 10:97 was adopted, because it is a specific standard for the type of structure analyzed and it is included in SAP2000 v.19 software. A tower structural model was developed, designed in the AutoCAD software and imported into the SAP2000, with the elements defined as lattice elements. The structure was analyzed for balance and behavior, and its sizing in SAP2000 required interventions to correct the unbraced length considered for the elements, based on ASCE 10:97 prescriptions. According to current criteria, only the main elements of the tower arm would require interventions for safety adequacy.