Monografias de Especialização
Planejamento de ensino investigativo com auxíliodidático de simulação interativa: Potencialidades para o ensino de Cinética Química.
Flavio Silva Rezende
This paper presents a proposal to develop a kinetic teaching planning of chemical reactions with teaching aid in an interactive simulation Reactions and Rates. The 25 students of the 3rd year of high school participated in investigative activities emerged in the Jigsaw cooperative learning process. At the end, it applied questionnaires on Likert scale for educational evaluation of the use of interactive simulation and cooperative method of teaching. Evaluation results were very positive both for the teaching resource as for the teaching strategy adopted. Planning provided exchange of information, improved knowledge of the restructuring, oral communication and active role in the teaching and learning process since implemented and applied in a systematic way.Keywords:Kinetic Chemistry, InvestigativeActivities, Jigsaw Method, Interactive Simulation.