Monografias de Especialização
Tensão de restabelecimento transitória (TRT)
Rimon de Oliveira Alves
During manipulations with breaker and possible reignições, the arising of an electric bow occurs between the contacts, maintained by the circuits current, bows itself temperature and by metallic particles originated from the contacts boiling. Despite the opened contacts, the current, circles through the electric bow and extinguishes only when its instantaneous value passes through the value zero. At the currents extinguishment moment the Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV)phenomenon occurs causing the sinusoid wave deformation into peaks of transient over voltage. These transient voltage cause electric devices depreciation and failure, in transformer of power, for example. The objective of the proposed homework is to analyses the transient voltagereestablishment, its relevant features and failures they cause in transformer, including their cycle of life decrease.