A condição espectral da ruína
Lucas Andrade Neves Dutra Cosendey
Taking as a starting point the rupture of the Fundão Dam in Mariana, Minas Gerais, in
2015, the dissertation revolves around the preservation of Bento Rodrigues district’s
ruins. Betting on the inherent potential of catastrophic situations to tension and
destabilize the hegemonic thinking structures, it is firstly discussed the impropriety of
indiscriminate reproduction of Cesare Brandi’s axioms to further the matter. At a second
moment, based on the assumption that Cesare Brandi’s interpretation regarding the ruin
is strictly ontological, it is proposed a broadening of the debate towards a “hauntology”,
as defined by the deconstructivist Jacques Derrida. Whereas for Brandi the ruin no
longer inhabits the architectural space, the gradual reoccupation of the ruined complex
by the affected community proves to be impossible the reading of these spaces as non-
places. The “hauntology” would then be a thinking on spectrums: non-corporeal figures
that exist in the space of the undecidable, between what is seen and what is not; that
which is neither intelligible nor sensitive nor visible nor invisible. Supported by the
spectral condition’s reading, a discussion is conducted regarding the conservation and
restoration’s theory and practice in post-disaster situations.