dc.contributorGeraldo Magela Costa
dc.contributorCibele Saliba Rizek
dc.contributorRoberto Luís de Melo Monte-mór
dc.contributorHeloisa Soares de Moura Costa
dc.creatorThiago Andrade dos Santos
dc.description.abstractThrough this research we seek to understand the spatial dimension of social praxis appropriation process by capital and its impact to the class struggle setting in the urban space from the production of Belo Horizonte metropoliss space. From the processes of urban and social life restructuring, we assume that is the inclusion to modern age which produces exclusion and this fact is expressed in contradictions immanent to everyday life, especially in cities. Dialectical thinking, while thinking of becoming (Lefebvre [1948] 2011, p. 103), identifies the inherent contradictions of capitalist mode of production and announces the possibilities of the new. In contrast, the representations try to avoid the new, represented by the unexpected, the unforeseen, the uncontrolled or the non-controlled, happen. Is in the spatial practices that abstractions becomes concrete, so nothing more disturbing, enlightening, dangerous, and uncertain that investigate these practices, meeting the subjects in the metropolis. We investigate the ways in which the capital try to solve their crises, using the urbanization process for this purpose. Thus, the understanding and the establishment of a critical point of view about the urban processes passes by the critique of everyday life and its rhythms, because metropolis tend to be governed by the logic of capital. Therefore, we discuss the capitalist production of space in addition for beyond spatial structuring and modernization process. This study is a gateway to the comprehension of contradictions and determinations of Belo Horizonte contemporary urbanization process in their forms and their content. We aim to understand the consequences of social life modernization process, considering the dialectic that exists in the relationship between the different dimensions of the production of space; the conceived, the perceived and the lived. Our analysis transits from the representations of space to the spaces of representation seeking the critique of political economy of space. The empirical reality that motivated this study is the Belo Horizonte metropolis, a city that was born to be metropolis and was always reported as a sign of the Brazilian vanguard, but is the expression of an inauthentic modernity. We established an approach to the production of the Belo Horizonte metropolis space from its north vector spatial restructuring process, seeking the understanding of the State and capital strategies in the reproduction of social relations of production. Finally, we promoted a reflection based in hypothesis that the production of space process contains the possibilities and impossibilities for urban life, because its immanent contradictions indicate the difficulties of capital overcomes its crisis to the reproduction of social relations of production in the metropolis.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectReestruturação urbana
dc.subjectProdução do espaço
dc.titleA vida da e na cidade entre a obra e o produto: uma reflexão a partir da produção do espaço da metrópole belo-horizontina
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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