dc.contributorJosé Geraldo Peixoto de Faria
dc.contributorGiancarlo Queiroz Pellegrino
dc.contributorReinaldo Oliveira Vianna
dc.contributorMaurício Reis e Silva Júnior
dc.contributorFranklin Massami Matinaga
dc.contributorMarcos Cesar de Oliveira
dc.creatorHeliques Mesquita Frazao
dc.description.abstractIn this work, we study an effective three-mode Hamiltonian describing interacting bosons. These bosons can be considered as exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity at the magic angle or cold atoms optically trapped in a triple-well potential with a population imbalance conservation. We observe that the quantum properties of the spectrum characterize a quantum phase transition. We realize a thermodynamic limit of the Hamiltonian and we study the classical properties of the phase space. We observe a close analogy between quantum and classical properties: an inflection point (a level approximation) in spectrum corresponds to a separatrix (a trajectory that separates librations and rotations) in phase space. This analogy allows us to characterize the system phases, the order of the transition, and also to construct a phase diagram.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectHamiltoniano de três-modos
dc.subjectAnálise clássica
dc.subjectTransição de fase quântica
dc.titleTransição de fase quântica em um hamiltoniano efetivo de três modos para bósons interagentes
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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