Tese de Doutorado
Reputação em tela: construção da reputação política por meio das televisões legislativassubnacionais
Raquel Novais Reher
This paper analyzed how state deputies build up their political reputation from the usage of institutional television resource provided by Legislative Assemblies in five states. The main argument is that the choices of strategies of subnational legislators are constrained by threedimensions, namely, the level of institutional development of the legislative branch, the party binding and the type of prior parliamentary career. The assumption is that the strategies of state deputies are organized on three types: Parliamentary, Political Partisan and Personalist. The results showed that despite the branches present similar institutional arrangements, there are variations in the level of institutional development, which impact on different choices of strategies by parliamentarians. Further results showed that in general the choices of strategies of state representatives to build up their reputation fall predominantly on the Partisan strategy. However, it is observed variations among state deputies and between the legislative branches regarding the strategies for building political reputation, reinforcing the idea that in Brazil there is a diversity in state political subsystems.