Monografia (especialização)
Fatores facilitadores e dificultadores na visita hospitalar na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva
Poliana da Silva Martins
Introduction: The hospital visit is an important moment for the patient and companion, since this period allows the reestablishment of an affective and emotional relationship with the family or friend, and this contributes to the recovery of the patient. Due to this importance, the National Humanization Program and the UTI Visits Project stimulate the expansion of visiting hours in the intensive units. Scientific studies have demonstrated a reduction in delirium and an average length of hospital stay with an increase in visiting hours. However in practice it is observed times of reduced visits and punctual. Objective: To identify the main factors hindering and facilitating the hospital visit in Intensive Care Units. Methodology: this is a meta-synthesis, a method that allows the integration of qualitative results, enabling a synthesis of the knowledge produced and identification of gaps to better inform future scientific studies. Results: the visit provides patient comfort and bonding with health professionals, contributing to patient recovery. However, this establishment of bonds is challenging, since hospitalization in an intensive unit arouses insecurity in the family and patient, which feel fragile in these moments and need greater sensitivity when approached. Conclusion: the visit in the intensive units is still carried out with punctual schedules, and this corroborates for a scarce communication. It is hoped that this study will stimulate new research in the area and sensitize professionals with regard to the importance of the hospital visit.