Tese de Doutorado
Marcelo Rezende, um apresentador performático: telejornalismo policial e celebrização
Fabiola Carolina de Souza
The objective of this study is to analyze the performance of the presenter of the telejournal Cidade Alerta and his dialogue with elements of popular culture and its aesthetics. We will also try to identify the different roles played by Marcelo Rezende; how he positions himself and how he is positioned in the different interactive contexts; what values and representations emerge in his relations. In addition, we propose to observe the professional trajectory of Marcelo Rezende in order to identify how it contributes to consolidate him as a reference figure in national police television journalism. In this study, we understand Cidade Alerta as a popular production, which dialogues with urban popular culture giving visibility to the popular classes and their ways of life. Our work includes a case study of Cidade Alerta and also of the entertainment programs of Rede Record in which Marcelo Rezende participates. We adopted performance, interaction and framing as guiding concepts, our analysis being divided into two axes: structure and content's analysis and performance analysis. We identified Marcelo Rezende as a performatic presenter because of his ability to recognize and propose frameworks, guiding his performance according to each situation. The presenter dialogues with the popular universe mainly from a melodramatic treatment of events, which produces a reading of the world from a polarization between good and evil; by positioning himself as a defender of the popular classes, assuming the role of mediator between the people and the public agencies; by reinforcing values such as family, religiosity, justice, masculinity. In addition, the presenter reconfigures the way Cidade Alerta is presented by investing in humorous elements that break the tension of dramatic narratives. Observing the trajectory of Rezende, we identified a change in the status of the presenter, who becomes a reference figure not only in the telejournal, but also in the media scene, being summoned to position himself not only on the problems that afflict the country, that refer to crime, as well as being invited to talk about himself, expose his personal life and curious aspects of his career, which contributes to Rezende also affirms himself as a media celebrity.