Dissertação de Mestrado
Seleção de medicamentos essenciais para a atenção primária à saúde nos municípios da Diretoria Metropolitana de Saúde de Belo Horizonte - 1996
Nery Cunha Vital
The aim of this study was the identificadon of the rules used in the drugs selection, by Municipal Secretariats of Health - MSH, for prymary care, using the recomended rules of the World Health Organization - WHO, as reference. A random sample, of eleven municipal districts relate to Metropolitan Direction of Health of Belo Horizonte - MDH/BH, was selected and the responsible for the section of drugs of each MSH was interviewed. One questionnaire was prepared to orient the interview and facilitate the register of the informations. The answers were later assembled, using the transcriptions of the recorded interviews. The data exposed that 90.9% of the MSH dont have a responsible comission, who select the drugs and elaborate the standardized list and suggest the prevalent usage of the criteria historical usage, doctors selection and cost of the drug (rules dont recomended by WHO) and, eventually, literature research, efficacy of the drug, relation benefit/risk, cost of the zreamiem and prevalent nosolog. The usage of brand names and medicines in fixed»ratio combinations was observed. The dispensation of drugs samples is common in the units of health. We concluded that the equivocal usage of the selection criteria can be inducing mistakes in the elaboration of the essential drugs lists, resulting in the acquisition of drugs that do not supply the real local needs, in wastefulness