Monografias de Especialização
Saúde bucal em adolescentes: diagnóstico para uma proposta de intervenção
Maria José Trindade Resende Alves
The objective of working with this subject is to promote an intervention in the Escola Paulo das Graças; that belongs to the area of performance of the Center of Boa Vista Health (Region East of Belo Horizonte); from the survey of necessities of the adolescent-pupils of 5 the 8 series of the related school, guiding an educative and clinical intervention. The method was the examination of 27,6% of the registered pupils (a sample of convenience), with a total of 85 adolescents. They had been examined separately, using natural light and wooden spatula. They had been codified by the INTO (Index of Necessities of Dentist Treatment) that already is used by the City hall of Belo Horizonte. The necessity of dentist treatment (code INTO > or = 1) was observed in 31 pupils (36,4) of the examined total. It was applied, in all the pupils present in the day, a questionnaire with the objective of if to know its relation with the dentist,with relative questions the presence of tooth ache, if already made some restoration, if already it looked some Center of Health of the SUS for dentist treatment. For the answers of the questionnaire, a high index of tooth and extracted tooth, tooth ache was noticed (63,8) (41,9) restored (43,5) in comparison with the noticed necessity of dentist treatment (31.5%). This if must probably the old experiences of the deciduous dentition. Of common agreement with the management of the Center of Health, the intervention proposal would be extended, not only to the examined pupils and pupils with necessity, but also to that to look the Unit of Health for codification. The intervention proposal will be set appointments of the pupils with necessity of treatment for individual orientation, supervised the brush and clinical treatment properly said; intitled workshops Wheel of Colloquy with subjects from the experience of the proper pupils and a partnership with the professors of Sciences to be multiplying of the orientation on buccal health.