Monografias de Especialização
Perda óssea peri-implantar associada à prótese cimentada e aparafusada
Alexa Magalhaes Dias
The implant dentistry has a remarkable progress in recent years, but there are still many questions, about the prosthetic treatment over implant. Several of these questions refer to the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of cement-retained prosthesis and screw-retained prosthesis, and the best type of restoration on implant is a controversy among practitioners. Added to this, the occurrence of biological complications is a common finding in implant treatment, with a growing concern regarding the development of mucositis and peri-implantitis. Therefore, the evaluation of factors such as passivity of fit, peri-implant tissues health and maintenance, should be considered when choosing the type of restoration. In this scenario, the dentist should understand the concepts that determine the choice of prosthetic treatment implant dentistry. Through a literature review, we tried to, a better understanding of the association between peri-implant bone loss and cement-retained prosthesis and screw-retained prosthesis. According to the literature reviewed, there is no data to support the superiority of a retention method on the other for the of peri-implant tissues health. Although, there are contradictory results on the existence of significant differences in peri-implant bone loss between cemented and screwed prosthesis, there seems to be a relationship between the presence of residual cement and the development of peri-implant diseases.