Impactos do uso do solo na qualidade da água e comunidade perifítica de sistemas lóticos
Scarlet da Encarnação de Araújo
The characteristics of an aquatic ecosystem and its water quality are affected by inadequate soil
uses. The main types of uses affecting water quality are urban occupation and industrial and
agricultural activities, which include effluents release at the water bodies and fertilizers used in
the rural areas. The evaluation of only physical and chemical variables may be not sufficient to
describe the whole impact of soil uses in the water quality. Thus, the search for bioindicators is
necessary, since they can respond to a sum of environmental variables that could explain little
about the environment if considered alone. The periphytic community is considered a good
bioindicator and an important tool for streams biomonitoring, but it is still little applied in
Brazil. Therefore, the goal of this work was to evaluate the capacity of the total periphytic
community and also only diatoms to describe the water quality of streams subject to the effects
of different soil uses. We analyzed water samples from systems at the hydrographic sub-basin
of Rio Ipanema, in Ipatinga (MG), during the rainy and the dry seasons. We collected water
and periphyton in six points located in areas that are subjected to different types of soil use and
occupation. Two points were located at rural areas, two points at periurban areas and the other
two were located at urban areas. Based on chemical analyses, it was observed that the quality
of water differed between the sampling points, with Trophic Status Index (IET) varying from
ultraoligotrophic to hypereutrophic. The quantification of periphytic community was performed
at species level, with data evaluated as total biovolume and diatoms biovolume only. The points
of urban areas (Bom Jardim and Foz), more degraded by domestic and industrial sewage,
presented larger periphytic biomass. Diatoms were the group of larger biomass and showed
higher species diversity, and its quantification allowed to detect bioindicators for impacts at the
urban systems, such as Nitzschia palea, Navicula cryptotenella, Gomphonema lagenula, G.
parvulum e G. brasiliensis. Thereby, this group of microalgae revealed to be a useful tool to
biomonitoring of water quality in the studied environments.