dc.contributorFrancisca Izabel Pereira Maciel
dc.contributorCleonara Maria Schwartz
dc.contributorIsabel Cristina Alves da Silva Frade
dc.creatorKatia Gardenia Henrique da Rocha Campelo
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to inventory the primary books used in Minas Gerais from 1930 to 1945. Were used as theoretical-conceptual references the studies and researches of school culture and school shape to analyze the sources of the studied period, that were: school books with sent and received mails, register books of the materials received at school, books from school libraries, registers books of school accounts departments, Elementary Teaching Programs, Diário Oficial newspaper, laws and state decrees. The work is divided into four chapters. The first chapter includes studies that have investigated school culture, the school shape or grammar, didactic books, primary books and the history of the literacy process as well as Julia (2001), Viñao Frago (1995), Faria Filho (2003, 2004), Vidal (2005), Choppin (1998), Chartier (1999), Maciel (2001, 2003) and finally, the theoretical-methodological aspects that were basic to the development of this research . The second chapter analyzes the legislation which dictated the didactic books of that period, the conditions which existed when this legislation were passed, its influence on education, especially primary teaching. The third chapter discusses literacy in Minas Gerais in terms of the relationship between the educational practices of the educational actors, the circulation process and the use of primary books. Additionally, the relationship between the primary books prescribed by the government and those which were adopted at Minas Gerais schools, evidence the tensions and conflicts experienced in that process. The fourth and last chapter discuss the singularity of Minas Gerais in relation to the primary books adopted at schools, in addition to the distribution of this material in different regions of this state. This research not only stated the titles of the primary books used in Minas Gerais but it also offers an understanding the role primary books played in the history of literacy in the state. .
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCartilha de alfabetização
dc.subjectCultura escolar
dc.subjectHistória da
dc.subjectLivro didático
dc.titleCartilhas de alfabetização: subsídios para a compreensão da história da alfabetização mineira (1930-1945)
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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