Monografias de Especialização
Influência da utilização de membros superiores na aterrissagem do salto vertical em idosas
Rogério Assis Faria
During the last century the age structure of society changed and there was an increase in the number of elderly. An population that until then was the minority became the subject of concern and attention on the part of the rulers of several countries, scholars and researchers. According to IBGE (Brazilian Institute Geography and Statistics), in 2025 Brazil will be the sixth country in the world with the largest number of elderly. Several factors have led to an increase in life expectancy, such at economic growth in the country, an increase in the quality of life and practice of activity. Aging is the process in life that leads and is accompanied by the decline in general functions and motor function are certainly compromised to the lesser or greater degree in elderly individuals. The aim of the present study was to compare the impact value normalized by body weight between the jump with countermovement with and without use of the upper limbs. The sample consisted of 04 elderly women, aged 65 to 75 years, the member of the Physical Education project for the Elderly of the School of Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy of the Dederal University of Minas(UFMG). Some criteria were adopted: Being the participant in the Physical Education Project for the Elderly, Absence of Injuries and being active. The Cross-sectional design was used (NELSON; THOMAS; SILVERMAN, 2002). With two-session experiment, being the familiarization and the test the soil reaction force (FRS) during the jump was obtained by means of the force platform, (model: OR6-7; manufacturer: AMTI; USA) embedded and leveled in the ground. Signal acquisition was performed at the frequency of 1KHZ and analysis of the force-time curve (F-t) with the Dasylab program (11.0) The present study recorded the vertical component of the FRS, the maim direction of vertical jump movement. The jump-related variable used in the present study was impact after landing with countermovement (SCM)