Monografia (especialização)
Educação a distância como instrumento de educação continuada sobre medidas de prevenção de infecção relacionada a assistência em saúde do paciente grande queimado
Izabela Figueiredo de Sousa Honorato
The burns are considered as serious problem to the public health in Brazil and the world. A person, once burned due to cutaneous loss which is the main mechanism of defense against microorganism invasion, is susceptible to infectious which may lead to death. The critical patient, once with other invasions such as intravenous, respiratory, enteral and bladder catheter becomes even more susceptible. In this scenario, the prevention and infection control is essential and a permanent education is fundamental in order to provide knowledge and stimulate skills needed for a change in behavior of health professionals. With the purpose to learn and change behavior of professionals from the Unit of Intensive Care for burns at the burn treatment center from João XXIII / FHEMIG hospital, 5 courses will be created in order to learn and later develop prevention measures for infections. These courses will be included in the FHEMIG’s platform for online education. This educational action is going to be evaluated trough pre and post tests and analyzed statistically. It is expected for this action to enable and stimulate professionals to provide high quality assistance and play a leading role when reducing infections related to patient care.