Dissertação de Mestrado
Avaliação da imunofluorescência direta no diagnóstico da campilobacteriose genital bovina
Josely Ferreira Figueiredo
The direct immunofluorescence test for the diagnosis of Bovine Genital Campylobacteriosis was evaluated for detection limit, effect of observers, sensitivity and specificity. Furthermore, the specificity of the fluorescent conjugate was tested against Campylobacter SP. Arcobacter SP. Helicohacter SP. E. coli bacteria and normal flora of precúcio. Ten dilutions were used at the base of 10 C. fetus subsp. Venerealis NCTC 10354 or washed in PBS and centrifuged preputial not centrifuged. Every experiment was done blindly, in duplicate, with positive and negative controls and three observers. The detection limits of direct immunofluorescence were 104, 104 and 102 CFU / ml. Respectively, in PBS, centrifuged and washed preputial not centrifuged. There were no significant differences between the readings of the observers. The technique had a specificity of 88.89% and sensitivity of 92.59%. The fluorescent conjugate recognized only C. fetus. Direct immunofluorescence for C. fetus subsp. Veneralia proved to be sensitive and specific was not influenced by the observers