dc.contributorBraulio Figueiredo Alves da Silva
dc.contributorCorinne Davis Rodrigues
dc.contributorClaudio Chaves Beato Filho
dc.contributorLuis Flávio Sapori
dc.creatorNayara de Amorim Salgado
dc.description.abstractThe proposal here is an analysis of the formation of urban spaces of uses of crack in the neighborhood of Lagoinha, central region of Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Known as "Cracolandias", these territories are analyzed from the perspective of the ecology of crime, as well as subsequent work that raises the question about the distribution of deviations and crimes in urban centers. Lagoinha presents itself today as a degraded environment, the physical and social disorder, it composes a relevant study theme to generate negative impacts for the city and to constitute as a problem for the public security, since theories of the criminology indicate relation between the disorder And its contribution to urban decay and increased crime. Thus, tools were sought to analyze how urban areas are more propitious for the development of crimes and deviations, such as the Cracolândia space, and more specifically, what aspects of the urban environment are of great importance in order to effectively phenomenon. What is observed is the occurrence of processes marked by approximations and similarities of this phenomenon in time and space, these are social phenomena spatially and temporally concentrated, since they do not happen homogeneously in the whole city. The expansion and recognition of the existence of the phenomenon of cracolandias poses a challenge for public health and safety as well as for urban planners. Undoubtedly, based on the originality of the information about Lagoinha neighborhood and its transformations, the text serves as an empirical source of reference on one of the most well known territorialities of crack use in Brazil. Finally, the observation of the social phenomenon of urban places of use of illicit drugs in national and Latin American territories suggests the need for comparative studies, so that they can base public health and safety policies for intervention in a human, effective and democratic way.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEcologia social
dc.subjectSociologia do crime
dc.subjectDesorganização social
dc.titleCartografias da pedra: estudo sobre os circuitos de consumo de crack no bairro da Lagoinha, região central de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais Brasil)
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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