Monografias de Especialização
Proposta de intervenção para a prevenção de distúrbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho
Thiago Faria Ramos
The repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and work -related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are, by definition, a work-related phenomenon. Both are damage from overuse, imposed on the musculoskeletal system, and the lack of recovery time. They are characterized by the occurrence of several symptoms, concomitant or not, insidious onset, usually in the upper limbs, such as pain, numbness, heaviness and fatigue. This paper aims to elaborate a plan of physical therapy intervention approach to ergonomics and workplace exercise in the prevention of MSDs among employees of various establishments in the clothing industry of the city of Dona Eusebia and region. The proposal was considered due to the large concentration of clothing industy in the city, with the very high rate of MSDs. Finally, it is understood that this project benefits all workers and reaches all levels of prevention: primary, it is health promotion work and specific protection, secondary, since it realizes early treatment and limits disability; tertiary, it promotes rehabilitation.