dc.description.abstract | With the introduction of new technologies by imposing demands to meet the needs of today's world, means that benzene is a substance produced industrially in bulk in the world, in Brazil it is the third basic petrochemical products currently on offer and their main sources production of benzene are concentrated in parks petrochemical production and petroleum refining. Benzene is part of the special relationship of substances that cause damage to health by being a regular myelotoxic, leukaemogenic carcinogenic. It is estimated that worldwide, about 1% of workers are occupationally exposed to benzene at concentrations above 10 ppm, 4% in the range between 1 and 5 ppm and 95% exposed to levels no greater than 1 ppm. Benzene is therefore an important topic of discussion and occupational and environmental interest not only in Brazil but all over the world, either by its presence in the manufacturing of various products or by its wide use in industries. This study examined the national literature, the scientific production in the period from 2000 to 2009, which addressed the issue of injuries related to occupational benzene in nature and examined the distribution of studies according to the nature (occupational or non-professional) of morbidity focus. This is a qualitative study based on the methodology of integrative literature review. It was verified the predominance of authors with the formation of Health Sciences, followed by publications produced by the Ministry of Health Regarding the conclusions and recommendations, the nine authors of the selected studies underline the importance of public health surveillance through on that research and management risk you can prevent exposure to benzene resulted in damage to health. The exposure is occupational or nonoccupational benzene constitutes a public health problem due to its tocixidade and lethality, with no safe exposure limits. This study was conducted in order to contribute to the knowledge of the area, because despite the wealth of material raised in the integrative review process there are relatively few publications that evaluate their findings and seek broader view of the production process, organizational and real harm to health the worker. | |