dc.contributorRaphael Tobias de Vasconcelos Barros
dc.contributorCamila Moreira de Assis
dc.creatorTelma Procopio Guerra
dc.description.abstractWith the urgent need of conservation of forest fragments that remain in the city of Itabira(MG), and with the call by COPAM Normative Resolution n°123/2008, the enterprises located in the buffer zone or around protected areas full protection, this paper aims to address the impasse between environmental legislation and small enterprises in operation in the city of Itabira(MG). Thus, identifying the problems caused by the effect of DN COPAM Nº123/2008, due to the existence of Conservation Units of Integral Protection and proposals to improve the applicability of DN, in the municipality of Itabira. From the new classification of activities, there are bureaucracy and difficulty in the procedure state environmental faced by small businesses. In this sense, were used as research tools, Environmental Law, the Construction Project Mosaic of Conservation of Nature and Environmental Zoning Itabira (MG). The study allowed the analysis of the main issues and suggestions concerning the licensing process to ensure sustainable development of the surrounding community.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectZona de amortecimento
dc.subjectLegislação ambiental
dc.subjectUnidades de conservação
dc.titleAnálise da deliberação normativa COPAM nº 123/2008 frente aos empreendimentos de pequeno porte no Município de Itabira (MG)
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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