Monografias de Especialização
Caracterização das lesões dos atletas atendidos pelo setor de fisioterapia CTE/UFMG
Jessica dos Santos Bueno
The Centro de Treinamento Esportivo (CTE-UFMG) develops technical, physical and tactical training activities for Taekwondo, Athletics, Judo, Synchronized Swimming and Swimming modalities in its structure. Athletes rely on multidisciplinary support composed of medical, physiotherapeutic, physiological, nutritional, dental and psychological staff. The objective of this work was to characterize the profile of injuries in the athletes treated by the physiotherapy sector of the CTE-UFMG, involving as modalities of Judo, Taekwondo, Athletics, Swimming and Synchronized Swimming. The results were attentive that were attended by the physiotherapy service from August 2015 to June 2016. The results found were: among the four modalities, which present the highest volume of athletes attended in the Taekwondo with a total of 22 athletes, with a mean number of sessions of 20.81 (SD = 13.84). A mean age of 18 years (n = 18; SD = 3.19) and the main regions affected by injuries were knee, ankle and thigh. No Athletics were attended 15 athletes, with an average of 17.46 attendance sessions. The mean age of the athletes was 15.87 years (SD = 2.27). As regions more affected were knee, ankle, lumbar spine and thigh. Regarding the Judo modality, 7 athletes were attended, with an average of 10.71 (SD = 8.69) sessions. The mean age of the athletes was 18.33 years (SD = 6.02). As regions of shoulder, wrist, ankle and cervical spine were more affected. The synchronized swim was observed with 2 athletes attended, with mean age of 18 (SD = 3.12), mean of sessions of 9 (SD = 2.83). The knee had the most affected lesion location. Swimming was the modality with the lowest volume of athletes attended (n = 1), with an average of 18 sessions. Having the elbow and shoulder as the most affected locations. Based on the data identified in the survey, it is possible to characterize as demands against assisted modes and to draw, together with the multidisciplinary team, better conditions to meet as demands of assets inserted in the UFMG sports training center