Tese de Doutorado
Estratégias narrativas na filmografia de Ingmar Bergman: o diálogo entre o clássico e o moderno
Antonio Alder Teixeira
This study constitutes an approach of Ingmar Bergmans filmography, from the point of view of narrative strategies adopted by the filmmaker, in face of what is established by the grammar of classic cinema, thus pointing out possibilities of research on the aesthetic components that show indexes of modernity in his art. In opposition to what has been a dominant trend of major criticism about the vast production of the Swedish director, we intended to examine the technical choices made by Bergman , such as scriptwriting, direction, assembly procedures, scale plans, angles and camera movements, lighting, sound and color palette. We made then a cutout of his filmography, establishing a possible division of the different phases of his trajectory, electing eight films, in view of its narrative structure, that could be representative of his recognized authorial cinema.