Dissertação de Mestrado
Comparação por sexo entre o tempo de reação simples, o tempo de reação complexo e a impulsividade de atletas da seleção brasileira de judô da categoria júnior
Thiago Vinicius Ferreira
In judo, simple reaction time, complex reaction time, and impulsiveness are variables that contribute to athlete performance in the sports combat modalities. These reaction time variables play a crucial role in controlling the movements of body segments, and together with impulsivity may contribute to a change in the athlete's sporting performance. Thus, to better understand these variables in elite judo athletes, the objectives of this study are: (a) to verify if there are differences by sex in the time of simple reaction of athletes of the Brazilian Junior Judo Team; (b) to verify if there are differences by sex in the variables of time of complex reaction of athletes of the Brazilian Junior Judo Team; (c) to verify if there are differences by sex in the impulsivity of athletes of the Brazilian Junior Judo Team, and (d) to propose a reference table general and by sex for simple reaction time, complex reaction time and impulsivity in athletes of the Brazilian Junior Judo Team. It was evaluated all population of athletes of the junior category of the Brazilian Judo Team, who competed in competitions in 2016, and it is composed as follows: 34 elite judo athletes of the junior category were divided into two groups, (18.56 ± 3.45 years) and 17 female athletes (18.90 ± 3.60 years). The following were used as instruments: (a) demographic data questionnaire; (b) Reaction Test (RT / S1) to verify the simple reaction time variables: reaction time (TR), time of movement (TM) and response time (Tres); (c) Determination Test (DT / S1) to verify the complex reaction time variable: complex response time (Tres), number of correct responses, number of incorrect answers and number of answers omitted and (d) Barratt's impulsivity scale (BIS-11) to measure general impulsivity and its dimensions (motor, attentional and non planning). All data collection was performed by a single researcher during the month of December 2016 for four days and all evaluations were performed in a reserved room, individually at the Training Center of the Brazilian Judo Team. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, consisting of the mean, standard deviation and tercile range. The Shapiro-Wilk Test, Conbrach's Test T, Effect Size and Alpha parametric test were used in the inferential analyzes. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0 was used for all statistical analyzes, with a significance level of p 0.05 being adopted. In the comparison between the simple reaction time, athletes of the Brazilian Judo Team (p = 0.95), TM (p = 0.55) and the third (p = 0.72). In the comparison between the complex reaction time there is no statistical evidence to affirm that by sex the Brazilian Junior Judo Team athletes differ for the Tres (p = 0.28) and for the number of correct answers (p = 0.10). However, the number of incorrect answers (p = 0.004) and the number of omitted answers (p = 0.008) presented statistical difference in the comparison by sex. Regarding the Cronbach's Alpha of the BIS-11 instrument is reliable, with a value of 0.63. In the comparison by gender for the impulsivity the athletes of the Brazilian Junior Judo Team do not differ in relation to the impulsivity variables (p>0.05). It is concluded that the variables of simple reaction time, complex reaction time and impulsivity are similar between men and women called for the Brazilian Junior Judo Team