dc.contributorFernando Magno Quintao Pereira
dc.contributorLeonardo Barbosa e Oliveira
dc.contributorLeonardo Barbosa e Oliveira
dc.contributorLaure Gonnord
dc.contributorRenato Antonio Celso Ferreira
dc.creatorVitor Mendes Paisante
dc.description.abstractAlias analysis is one of the most fundamental techniques that compilers use to optimize languages with pointers. However, in spite of all the attention that this topic has received, the current state-of-the-art approaches inside compilers still face challenges regarding precision and speed. In particular, pointer arithmetic, a key feature in C and C++, is yet to be handled satisfactorily. This work presents a new alias analysis algorithm to solve this problem. The key insight of our approach is to combine alias analysis with symbolic range analysis.This combination lets us disambiguate fields within arrays and structs, effectively achieving more precision than traditional algorithms. We have implemented it on top of the LLVM compiler. Tests on a vast suite of benchmarks show that we can disambiguate several kinds of C idioms that current state-of-the-art analyses cannot deal with. In particular, we can disambiguate 1.35x more queries than the alias analysis currently available in LLV
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAnálise Estática
dc.subjectAnálise de Ponteiros
dc.titleSymbolic range analysis of pointers
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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